Whether it's a choice or not; This class will teach you what you need for the job!
3 hr3 hr
125 US dollars
Online Meeting
Service Description
If you relocate often due to employment requirements, you will likely acquire two housing bills, for a period of time, as you transition from one place to another.
Having multiple housing bills at once can cause financial hardship. Just think about the responsibility of an existing mortgage crossing with the responsibility of a new housing bill at the next job location.
Attendees will learn about available financial and operation options when thrust into multiple property ownership situations - so that its not so intimidating.
Attendees will learn how to leverage properties rather than lose them!
Agents who attend, will learn how to best help clients prepare, protect these assets and avoid financial ruin and perhaps foreclosure.
Perfect for agents, heirs, active duty servicemembers, investors and investor hopefuls!